Thursday, June 12, 2014

Upcoming Changes for the Battalion

Hello alumni, parents, and cadets!

Welcome to our newly established TN Tech Army ROTC blog page! We are excited to expand our social media capabilities and are even more excited to announce upcoming changes that will be implemented into our program starting this summer.

Our office is tentatively scheduled to move into the current University Police Station in early August,  located on the main quad of campus.

Current University Police Station

This building was selected by our university President, Dr. Philip Oldham, for its centralized location and high volume of student activity.
Current rappel tower to be replaced
The program will also receive two dedicated classrooms within the College of Nursing, a shared classroom within the College of Engineering, and a new 43 ft. rappel tower located by the baseball field that cadets will have the opportunity to utilize during our labs.
We would like to extend to you an invitation to our ribbon cutting ceremony after the completion of our move in August.  More details about the ceremony are to follow and will be posted online within the next few weeks.

We encourage you to help us spread the word about Tennessee Tech Army ROTC by liking our Facebook page at and by following us on Twitter at
Golden Eagles Don’t Quit!

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